Key Issues for America:
What Does the National Debt Mean for America’s Future?
Case Study
The Objective
Develop a comprehensive microsite and print booklet that lays out the issue for the incoming administration and members of Congress. The purpose of this piece was to educate incoming members of Congress about the national debt, and reintroduce ourselves and our issue to returning and existing members of Congress. Furthermore, the piece serves as a positioning piece for the organization in the wake of the 2020 Elections and the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
The Solution
The package was disseminated to all 535 Members of Congress. The 100 that serve in the U.S. Senate and the 435 that serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. As well as budget officials and key members of the Biden Administration.
Art and Creative Direction
For this project I chose to move away from standard stock photography to convey the message. Instead I opted for vector illustrations of images to give a somewhat pop art feel to the campaign. While illustrations like this are common in politics and issue based campaigns, it was a first for the Peterson Foundation.
Hover to Scroll Destop Design

Hover to Scroll Mobile Design

Launched January 2021.
Web traffic analytics from the first 100 days.
(January 2021 – April 2021).
Unique Pageviews
Avg. Time on Page
Bounce Rate
Print Booklet Mailer